
2  Timothy 1:7

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind.  So you must never be ashamed to tell others about the Lord.

Fear can make us anxious, on edge and even unable to move. There are many things in my life that I have been afraid of.  I’m afraid of heights and bridges and snakes and spiders and that is just a few.  I still don’t do heights and can deal (although not well) with bridges, I run from snakes and squish spiders ( ok sometimes if they are really huge I get my husband to squish them).

But sometimes Fear can keep us stuck where we’re at unable to move forward or keeps us from trying new things. Fear of Failure, Fear of Success, Fear of Judgement from others or even Fear of Looking Stupid to name a few.  Maybe you have struggled with Fear as I have, but when God has told you to move you take that step away from that box that Fear has kept you in.


This is the year for me of letting FEAR go.  I went snowmobiling with my husband and another couple. I was scared to death (I was driving my own) I had never been before and at times I was pushed to my limits but I did it!!

Now I am finally stepping off that curb and taking that step.  For many years I have loved to write, I kept journals, I wrote one for each of my daughters, and have now begun journals for each of my grandkids.  I wrote a book for our youngest daughter when she was 2 (she is 21 now)😣 never even tried to publish it due to fear.

For years I have felt like I needed to write, like I was suppose to write, but have let fear get in the way.  My ladies Bible study gave me a little push  (ok maybe a shove) and encourage me to write.  So now I am letting go of fear and trusting God that he will do something great!

Am I nervous?  You bet!  But so excited to see where God takes me.  So hang on tight because with God nothing is impossible!

Phillipians 4:13

I can do all things though Christ who strengthens me.

So this journey begins with me walking away from the box that Fear has kept me in for soooooo many years, and the Glory is all to God!!  I hope you’ll join me on this exciting new adventure as I leave Fear behind.  I pray you too will leave your Fear behind!


Father, when fear engulfs me help me to remember that its not from you.  Help me to trust you and look fear in the face and put it behind me and to know you are greater than any fear I may have.

In Jesus name,


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